Wednesday, September 27, 2017

"The Tramp as Divine Visitor"

Friday [September 29,2017], the shift of Mercury to Libra comes hot on the heels of Venus’ exact opposition to Neptune. Stay true to the higher meaning of your dreams rather than past expectations. If you want a dream come true, be willing to stand open to divine intervention in whatever form it takes. Look for the spirit behind the gift. Speak to the love given not the expectation of the form in which it come. So many traditions have a story where a divine visitor is expected, but a tramp shows up. The tramp turns out to be the divine in disguise, or a test. Keep that in mind.
- Satori

"Put this on when you want to be someone else." Our friend, Prescott, surprised us with masks for my birthday last year. Maria Callas for me. Pirate for Pete. The gift couldn't have predicted WHEN to wear 'em but this morning was it. Raven Family has shown up this morning with ruckus voice, closer than ever before, they show themselves to us. Two of them.

Even as I write about it, one of them hollers down from the Firs.

"All we got to feed 'em is cat food." Somehow Pete's option doesn't ring for me. 
"No," I think about what else there could be. It's not our cat food to give away.

But. Maybe they would like Dashiell's food; the idea floats away ... 

Throughout our stay here in the woods Raven has made his presence, and his spirit known to us. He and his families have salted the seasons with stories to parallel the life we were living; flavoring it with another way to look at the picture. Through their eyes the discomfort of Environmental Illness or the cold of a damp winter was transformed. The Safety Pin Cafe was created, a Silver-haired Raven, tiny blue Fairy Woman spoke without words, and a Border Witch found outlets for a sodden heart. Adventures have been had, and faceless women have grafted pieces of this for that. 

The woods are quiet now, I smell oatmeal cooking outside, feel the fresh morning air through the window in front of me. Maria Callas and the Pirate have done their magic through the masks. Raven has left a reminder for us. What reminder?

"You became a mother today, forty-five years ago." Ravens are very family oriented. They are clan and protect their own. Coming as loudly and as close as they did at nearly the exact time in the morning when Christopher Kawika was born in the Lynwood woods is my divine reminder of family-orientation.

"Happy Birthday, CKB. So glad you managed to balance on the head of a pin to be born human." 

We caw for you!!
Mom and Pete