Friday, February 16, 2018

Valentines for the Earthy Dogs

We took ourselves on a road trip
The sort that begins
On the asphalt lanes
Then onto a boat
Trimmed green
The rails
While foaming
Sea curves

Pete drove 
In a downpour
Heading South
To fetch 
And fortune cookies

and share
Lunar Year of the Earthy Dog.

Sun and Moon rose together
to begin the Earth Dog Year
No evidence
of a partial eclipse
The clouds
opened just enough
to embrace
Radiant light.

The New Lunar Year was also a Thursday work party day. Tom Gray, Pete, Prescott and Michael helped to get the new-to-the-Tilth tool shed erect.

I prepped a mid-day meal of chicken wings and long rice (mung bean threads) with handfuls of organic bean sprouts (mung) and lots of ginger-garlic broth. The meal simmered for the earthy dog folks who came to work. And care for the land.
Good luck
Good food
Good company
Begin the New Lunar Year
Prairie Front.
Lucky us!

Mahalo for the place and the people.
Moki and Pete

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