Monday, September 10, 2018

Yesterday, Today and Now

Took myself on an Artist's Date
Full Moons on silk almost escaped
My feet moving
Too fast ...
Should have been a clue
But I was too busy
Chewing Mac nuts and banana
While I watched
The Bugaboo Boy all growed up
Buff out his Candy Apple Red Mustang
While the tiny blonde girl preened his back,
And the Produce Guy bowed in prayer position

The Market Routine
And a frenzy of worries
Spun me into a
Trip, and fall while on my way to flowers
On hands and knees I thought,
"Oh shit!"
But there was life left and
Sparrow caught in a rodent's trap said,
"You think you've got trouble."
The wherewithall helped me
spring the trap and Sparrow called,
Team MCS brought me
Ice Packs and tenderness
A walker
Ribs bruised and wrapped tight in a shawl
Now the rain falls
Turning the dry, dry grass
Musty wet.

"To be up to date, you’ve got to move past what’s usual. Anything that’s chugging along on old tracks is ripe for a shakeup." - Satori writing about this week

That's all. The last blast. Now for LUNCH.


  1. Even though I seldom post back, I read your blog as often as you offer that gift up to the many of us who relish your words and wisdom, Ms. Y. Thank you for the many blasts! Mahalo nui loa, my friend. elaine

    1. You are one of my Wata Catchas dear. I drink up your friendship.
      Be well. Keep in touch. Travel gently as you head across the great Pacific. We'll do LUNCH ... depend on it old friend!!!

  2. Lovely and descriptive poem, Moki.

  3. No, Wait. You fell? Oh dear. Sending you comforting love.

    1. Yes, while on my way to cut flowers for the restrooms, I moved too quickly over a low wire fence. Down for the count, and recuperating with time with my son.

      Thanks for the comfort, Prescott.
