Monday, October 9, 2017

He puko 'a kani 'aina: Answers coming in ...

 "To hope is to gamble. It's to bet on your futures, on your desires, on the possibility that an open heart and uncertainty is better than gloom and safety. To hope is dangerous, and yet it is the opposite of fear, for to live is to risk."  - Rebecca Solnit (Hope in the Dark) Thank you to Terri Windling for this quote on hope, posted today on her blog Myth and Moor

The Hoku Moon Ceremony of asking has answers coming from many different angles. This weekend the change in season doubles in meaning as we prepare to move from the woods; we start by appreciating the woods. Our kilo practice of observations sharpens: clouds and sky send messages of transforming; Raven Clan chatter with their full vocabulary and swoop closer more often. I ask, "Will you be coming with us?"; I notice the face of the Goddess of Internet in the foil antennae and laugh at the timing in her presentation.

 What appears solid

In the late afternoon with sunshine fully present we stopped for a visit on the Prairie Front to scout and sniff out a new landing place to park the vardo,
munched on a local apple, watched how shadows came and spoke to the resident trees about sharing this place with them. Though the formal discussion and approval for our move onto the Prairie Front is not until October 19th, the informal poll is positive, and welcoming. We move forward ...

"... Our process around purpose demands an overhaul. What we desire and our efforts to get it are thwarted or limited. And they RELATE. When you’re up against it and backed into a corner, do you get smarter… change up your approach… genuinely evaluate all your resources and how you’re using them? Well, we should. We can crumple and whinge, or we can be heroes. We can wring our hands and wait for rescue, or we can weigh our options and act. We can act intelligently as a result of deep, paradigm-shifting consideration and communication. And if that doesn’t shift the barriers, we may think and communicate and act again… or ask for help. There’s always that..." - Satori
We are hopeful about our future, and realistic about the halting progress of our vision to move from the woods of Langley to a Hawaii. What we imagine is a big dream and the process demands "we act intelligently as deep shifts take place" and communication travels at its own pace -- controlling that speed is not ours to have. We have opened up new forms of contact (enrolled in WWOOF -- World Wise Opportunities On Organic Farms) and begin exploring the potential as elder wwoofers; received many and varied forms of communication with family and people with Environmental Illness who live in Hawaii. The messages inform us; some comfort us; others leave us wondering but they do not make the decisions for us. We weigh the content and keep the source in mind as we measure their value, and keep communicating with you through these posts.

For now, it is enough to know we have a next place to transition. Like a baby taking her first step we need some practice with this dream of moving; there is a wonderful sense of freedom in the hoping. And just in case, my Capricorn (earthy) Moon and spider sense Scorpio Sun have enrolled me in an online astrology class to help us navigate this next chapter of "Moki and Pete on the Way to Elsewhere."

Thank you for faithfully reading and supporting our journey in diverse and meaningful ways: your financial support cushions our efforts as we juggle our options and slowly build momentum, your phone calls, comments and email messages keep you close and make our efforts feel less isolated. Your collaboration might be the most valuable experience of all. At a time when harsh interactions and violence repeatedly lash and demand center stage, we so appreciate learning how to build on respectful unions. I have heard from a couple people who have been lost in the email blasts over the summer. E kala mai sorry about that. I've added you onto the email list again, so hopefully those who want to be are included now.

xoxo Much aloha,
Mokihana and Pete


  1. KAHUMANA on the island ofor Oahu has Whoofers ... you may want to research them. It is an amazing place.
