Friday, June 15, 2018

Low-key toxin-free resolution

"The temptation to overdramatize is strong. Going through with a splashy but messy 
conclusion may have a perverse appeal. But why not wrap things up with an elegant whisper 
instead of a garish bang? Rather than impressing everyone with how amazingly complicated 
your crazy life is, why not quietly lay the foundations for a low-key resolution that will set the
stage for a productive sequel? Taking the latter route will be much easier on your karma, and 
in my opinion will make for just as interesting a story." 
- Free Will Astrology for Scorpio this week

"Let go and let God. Let go and thank the Goddesses."

"Congratulations on the work you've done to cleanse the psychic toxins from your soul, 
Cancerian. I love how brave you've been as you've jettisoned outworn shticks, inadequate 
theories, and irrelevant worries. It makes my heart sing to have seen you summon the 
self-respect necessary to stick up for your dreams in the face of so many confusing signals. 
I do feel a tinge of sadness that your heroism hasn't been better appreciated by those around 
you. Is there anything you can do to compensate? Like maybe intensify the appreciation you 
give yourself? " - Free Will Astrology for Cancer this week

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